Thursday, April 7

i stayed

Again, I looked into his perfect blue eyes. I looked at them long and hard. What was I looking for? Some sign of doubt, some reason to stop? He only looked back at me. I found nothing in his eyes, only sadness, maybe regret. But there was nothing telling me to slow down, to stop. I blinked hard, snapping back into reality. The sadness and regret had dissapeared off his face and he was laughing as hard as he could. He smashed his glass onto the table and laughed even harder. Over the loud music and laughter of all my friends I could hear rude words being whispered, judgemental comments breathed. "Another one Allie May?!" The one with the perfect blue eyes yelled as he helped himself to another glass. I winked and he poured me another as well. I downed the glass of pure whiskey within seconds and he poured another and another... and another after that. Something inside of me was telling me to stand up and walk away, but why? I had no reason. So I stayed.

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